Fiber Optic Components


Fiber Optic Isolator


Fiber optic isolator is an optical component which allows the transmission of light in only one direction, and prevents unwanted back reflection and stops scattered light from reaching sensitive components, particularly lasers. Fiber optic isolator is used in conjunction with fiber optic amplifiers, fiber optic lasers, optical module interfaces, fiber optic links in CATV applications and fiber optic communication systems.

Fiberwe manufactures Visible Fiber Isolators (SM Fiber), NIR Fiber Isolators (SM Fiber), Nd: YAG Fiber Isolators (SM Fiber), IR Fiber Isolators (SM Fiber), Broadband Fiber Isolators for SLDs, NIR Fiber Isolators (PM Fiber), Nd: YAG Fiber Isolators (PM Fiber), IR Fiber Isolators (PM Fiber), Custom Fiber Isolators.

We also manufacture Free Space Isolators (Faraday Isolators). Please visit our Optical Module sector for the details.

Fiber Optic Isolator